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Lead change
for better care.

Purple Illustration

The right meds to the right place at the right time.

We understand the importance of an optimized workflow. From our pharmacy automation solutions to TransLogic® tube systems — our products help healthcare facilities prevent medication errors, increase throughput, reduce confusion and redundancies, elevate job satisfaction, drive efficiency across the board, and improve the overall patient experience. 

Efficiency is key to modern hospital operations. We can help.  

Efficiencies by the numbers

Efficiencies by the numbers graphic
  • BoxPicker ® out picks a standard carousel user at a rate of 3 to 1.

    Today’s healthcare workflows are often limited by yesterday’s tech. Pharmacy automation technology, first introduced in the 1970s, is still in use by many hospitals and other healthcare facilities. This increases the chances of medication delivery bottlenecks, medication administration errors, and requires lots of costly manual input.

    The team at Swisslog Healthcare understands these unique challenges and has faced them by surpassing industry engineering standards. BoxPicker® can pick ahead of a standard carousel user at a rate of 3 to 1, helping hospitals and other healthcare facilities realize efficiencies across the entire workflow, improve safety, and reduce waste.

    BoxPicker can quickly show a positive return on investment while setting up healthcare facilities to provide better care.

  • 64% of hospital pharmacists consider full supply chain visibility a critical capability

    Regardless of distribution model, a hospital-wide inventory control system for pharmaceuticals supports hospitals in reducing costs, optimizing processes, and redistributing medications. Pharmacy Manager, a single platform for your entire workflow, manages inventory of multiple automation solutions. With this platform, users are in command of medication stocks in real time, from the central pharmacy to the stations.

  • $1,314,000 saved annually thanks to a TransLogic pneumatic tube system.

    1.3M Saved by tube system
    A TransLogic pneumatic tube system is like the circulatory system of a hospital. Without it, hospital operations come to a costly crawl. Assuming a 300-bed hospital makes an average of eight transactions per patient per day, that’s 2,400 transactions that must be executed. Industry research shows that couriers can make on average 10 deliveries in an hour. At an hourly rate of $15, manually executing transactions would cost the hospital $3,600 per day or $1,314,000 in a single year. When it comes to installing or upgrading tube systems, the numbers can’t be ignored.

Leaders of better care

You know that the best healthcare practices work if they are adhered to. Your goal is to discharge satisfied and healthy patients who return home with the feeling of having been in the best hands. We know we can't replace the best hands, but we can help them do their job while maintaining the highest quality of care.

Change for better care

We are focused on optimizing workflows and increasing efficiencies within healthcare facilities. Swisslog Healthcare is your partner in implementing solutions that drive the fastest and most accurate medication management with solutions like PillPick®, AutoCarousel®, and more. Preventing medication errors and increasing prescription output results in a better patient experience. Together, we’ll take you step-by-step along the path to better patient care.

Consult with us to improve your medication management.

We have best-in-class tube systems and pharmacy automation. Our consultants will work with you to tailor a solution that satisfies all your healthcare facility’s needs. Let’s connect today.